Dragon Ball Pride

Tuesday 30 March 2021

WHAT IF Vegeta Was Female? 10 A DragonBall Discussion


WHAT IF Vegeta Was Female? 10 A DragonBall Discussion

RECAP Princess Vegeta had a very different life from her male counterpart ignored by her father King Vegeta who wanted a son. Humiliated even worse during her time with Frieza however all that changed when her favorite tool of amusement was killed by his weaker brother and Vegeta Princess Vegeta met Kakarot aka Goku for the first time. And for the first time in her life the Princess was pushed in battle and having a goodtime battling with a Male Saiyan that could push her. This lead to a bond netween the two who vowed to fight eachother like this again for the fun of it. This lead to a change in Vegeta who would join the Earthling in their struggles to find the DragonBalls much sooner than her male counterpart they strategically took out Zarbon and managed to steal the Dragon Balls Frieza and get there wishes except for the third Frieza and the Ginyu Force had turned up. During the battle between the forces of good including Goku against Frieza things began to go bad and Princess Vegeta began to feel that sense of hopelessness the same she way she felt when she hopelessly tried impressing her father and Frieza this lead to a rage unleashing her Super Saiyan and putting an end to Frieza and later with Goku's help King Cold who was orbiting Namek restoring peace to the galaxy. A year later Cooler the brother of Frieza arrived on Earth however was taken out quickly who looked like the original Vegeta except his name was Trunks he was the future of Vegeta and Yamcha. He had come to warn them about Androids who would come in 3 years and destroy everyone and gives Goku the cure to a Heartvirus. 3 years had passed Vegeta did fall in love Yamcha he who reminded her so much of Raditz and had a child Trunks, Vegeta getting her drivers licence and training with Goku Gohan and Piccolo they were ready for the Androids. Android 19 was destroyed by Goku having minor symptoms of the heart virus enough that he went home luckily Vegeta made him take the antidote and the hunt for Androids 17 and 18 began. Vegeta battled with Android 18 who seemed quite evenly match thanks to the princess of All Saiyans keeping her cool and concentrating. Suddenly she left the battle sensing Goku was in danger using Instant transmission She knocked the Bug like creature who attacked Goku in his home (Cell) They would train in the room of spirit and time Goku and Vegeta went first. Gohan and Future Trunks second. Vegeta and Goku however they're combined effort didn't stop Cell reaching his Perfect form now announcing his Cell games the story continues.

Check out WHat If Goku Never Hit his head

Saturday 27 March 2021


WHAT IF FRIEZA BECAME IMMORTAL ON               NAMEK? 4 A DragonBall Discussion

Frieza gets his way on Planet Namek and becomes Immortal thanks to some Frieza trickery on a unsuspecting Namekian that survived Vegeta's attack on his village. Now Immortal Frieza set his sights on Earth conquering and enslaving the human race. With the likes of Roshi, Chi-Chi and the Ox King Emperor Frieza and his Frieza became better warriors physically mentally and spiritually learning the Turtle way of Martial Arts. Upon destroying Androids 17 and 18 Frieza decided to pay a Dr Myuu a visit and had the Androids cloned and programmed to serve him. Now on his way back to Earth aka Frieza planet 719 he receives news of a Bugman named Cell is attacking his forces. #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper

Friday 26 March 2021

WHAT IF Frieza Spared Bardock? 3 A DragonBall Discussion

WHAT IF Frieza Spared Bardock? 3 A DragonBall Discussion
Frieza decides rather than destroy his top Planet extermination squad Frieza decides to assign Bardock and crew to some much deserved R&R while he blows up Planet Vegeta. However little did Frieza know that Gine the wife of Bardock and their little son Kakarot escaped the planet Vegeta and witnessed the explosion. Spending two decades on Earth and with the help of their new friends Kakarot and Gine are ready to avenge their Race and after convincing Bardock the truth now Gine must find her oldest son Raditz and Prince Vegeta before Frieza does #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper

Check out Make A Saiyan out of You Mulan song parody inspired by this What IF

Thursday 25 March 2021

What If Mercenary Tao Turned Good? 2 A DragonBall Discussion


What If Mercenary Tao Turned Good? 2 A DragonBall Discussion

Ever wonder what might happen if a certain irredeemable character in the Dragon Ball Universe turned good. What If on some level during the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai Mercenary Tao actually listened to his former pupil Tien Shinhan and began taking steps towards the right path. Realising all his brother Master Shen offered was a path of misery evil and death. https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RMcomics https://indyplanet.com/ryan-james-melrose https://twitter.com/ToshioRy https://teespring.com/stores/ryanmelrosecomics-store https://tapas.io/melrosejryan/series https://www.facebook.com/rmcomics

Check Out WHAT IF Chi-Chi Became A Saiyan Part 5

Wednesday 24 March 2021

WHAT IF Cell Met Past Goku? A DragonBall Discussion


Hey guys time for a brand new #DragonBall What if this time a very unusual what if involving a certain timetravelling Bugman. This is WHAT IF Cell met Past Goku. A story wehere Cell accidentaly travels 20 more years into the past than his original appearance meeting a kid Goku and Bulma and now Cell must live life until Androids 17 and 18 can be built by Dr Gero. #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RMcomics https://indyplanet.com/ryan-james-melrose https://twitter.com/ToshioRy https://teespring.com/stores/ryanmelrosecomics-store https://tapas.io/melrosejryan/series https://www.facebook.com/rmcomics

Also check out WHAT IF Nappa Surved Part 4

Monday 22 March 2021

WHAT IF Gine The Mother Of Goku Survived? 5 A DragonBall Discussion


WHAT IF Gine The Mother Of Goku Survived? 5 A DragonBall Discussion

Ever wonder how events in #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper may have played out if #Gine the mother of #Goku Now that Gine has returned from Otherworld and defeated the two #saiyans #Nappa and #Vegeta how will things playout in the Frieza saga and will Gine finally resurect #Bardock

https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RMcomics https://indyplanet.com/ryan-james-melrose https://twitter.com/ToshioRy https://teespring.com/stores/ryanmelrosecomics-store https://tapas.io/melrosejryan/series https://www.facebook.com/rmcomics

Also check out the First DB RY FANART SHOWCASE 1 Amazing WHAT IF [Dragon Ball Fanart]

Saturday 20 March 2021

WHAT IF King Piccolo Won Full Story

 WHAT IF King Piccolo Won Full Story

Hey guys finally I have put together the entire What If King Piccolo won story together in one video. A story that tokk a dark turn in the world of Dragon Ball . With Goku killed by the demon King Piccolo Piccolo was free to terrorize and rampage the populous as he pleased. How will Earth survive without it's would be greatest champion Goku watch and find out as his amazing story plays out. #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBall Super

Feel like a laugh check out

Nappa & Death Piccolo : Stupify Disturbed

cover Parody

Friday 19 March 2021

WHAT IF Bardock Stopped Lord Frieza? Full Story

 WHAT IF Bardock Stopped Lord Frieza? Full Story

Hey guys this is the full story to my first completed Dragon Ball What If Video series. WHAT IF Bardock Stopped Lord Frieza A Dragon Ball Discussion from part 1 all the way to it's natural ending point in Part 10. After Bardock the Father Of Goku gains the ability of Forsight from the last Kanassan uses his gift to prevent the genocide of the Saiyan Race at the hands of Lord Frieza succeeds when he convinces King Vegeta and Queen Casava of the oncoming attack. United together the Saiyans won and thats where the story really begins. #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RMcomics https://indyplanet.com/ryan-james-melrose https://twitter.com/ToshioRy https://teespring.com/stores/ryanmelrosecomics-store https://tapas.io/melrosejryan/series https://www.facebook.com/rmcomics

Also check out WHAT IF Vegeta Became Immortal?

All Hail Lord Frieza!!!

Thursday 18 March 2021

WHAT IF Zarbon Turned Good? A Dragon Ball Discussion

 WHAT IF Zarbon Turned Good? A Dragon Ball Discussion

Hey guys today I pose the question to the Dragon Ball world what would happen if a certain highly trusted member of the Frieza force switched sides during the Namek saga. What If Zarbon Turned Good how would this change affect the Namek saga and the rest of the events of Dragon Ball Z #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper. https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RMcomics https://indyplanet.com/ryan-james-melrose https://twitter.com/ToshioRy https://teespring.com/stores/ryanmelrosecomics-store https://tapas.io/melrosejryan/series https://www.facebook.com/rmcomics

I Invite you to check out the teaser to my upcoming audio series 

Saiyans In Space based off my video series WHAT IF BARDOCK Turned Good?

Wednesday 10 March 2021



In this discussion I explore what might Happen had Freeza gotten his way on Planet Namek and become Immortal lets find out

Part 2

Don't forget to check out part 1

Tuesday 9 March 2021

WHAT IF Gine The Mother Of Goku Survived? 4 A Dragon Ball DIscussion Gine In Otherworld Reunion With Bardock

 WHAT IF Gine The Mother Of Goku Survived? 4 A Dragon Ball DIscussion Gine In Otherworld Reunion With Bardock

WHAT IF Gine The Mother Of Goku Survived? tells A Dragon Ball story through the perspective of Gine The Mother of Goku's addition to the Dragon world. If she had escaped with Kakarot before Frieza blew it up and how her presence in Dragon Ball changes everything. https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RMcomics

What If Nappa Survived?

Monday 8 March 2021

WHAT IF Frieza Conquered Kanassa The Novel Chapters 8, 9 and 10

 What If Frieza Conquered Kanassa Novelisation

Chapter 8



The Farmer


It had been a beautiful day on the planet Earth clear blue skies. Cool and breezy winds it had been like this since the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai and Goku once again faced off against Piccolo 5 years ago. Piccolo was a ruthless tyrant that twice threatened the Earth. However, since his reincarnation Piccolo has well been more grumpy than evil. Today for Piccolo he was standing atop a mountain overlooking a Wasteland keeping to himself plotting revenge on his hated enemy Goku.

“This time I’ll finish you for good Goku.”

Meanwhile heading into Earths orbit was the Saiyan space pod containing a vengeful Raditz who is seeking to eliminate his brother Kakarot. In Almost an instant the space Pod hits the ground the countryside shaking on impact. A nearby Farmer who was working his field witnessed the crash and proceeded to investigate it. As he approached the huge Crater he was horrified to see the strange round object before him.

He had swallowed his fear and began to venture down when suddenly the Pod door opens and this gigantic man with a Tail steps out. The farmer held out a riffle pointing it straight at Raditz.

“Now that’s enough right there ya hear. Uh don’t take one more step.” The farmer said as he started stepping back.

Not watching where he was going The farmer tripped on a rock accidentally discharging his weapon hitting Raditz on the Frieza mask. Raditz stood over the Farmer taking the Riffle from the Farmer snapping it in two.

“Please I don’t want no trouble I was just protecting myself.” The farmer pleaded with Raditz for his life but those cries for mercy were lost on the broken down Saiyan. And with one step Raditz ended The Farmers life crushing his head blood staining his boot.

Raditz looked around using the inbuilt Scouters on his masks eyes. He looked around til he found a power lever of 320 not to far in the front direction he was facing.

With that Raditz took to the skies heading straight for the powerlevel.

The Power level turned out to be Piccolo. Raditz is frozen with terror at this approaching power he can sense. It had been a power he had never sensed before for it was insanely powerful too powerful to comprehend.

As Raditz closed in staring at Piccolo.


Piccolo could only regain his composure as began talking to the stranger.

“You lost or something?” Piccolo asked. Raditz stood there and said nothing just kept staring at him.

“Look I suggest you leave if you value your life I don’t entertain much.” Piccolo said sounding demanding like he had forgotten how powerful this being is.

“Kakarot!” Raditz merely uttered.

“I don’t know any Kakarot now beat it you’re making me mad.” Piccolo warned once again, still Raditz merely stood staring.

“Fine you asked for it!” Piccolo said charging a Ki Blast firing it directly at Raditz.

“I tried to warn you creep you brought this on yourself.. what!!” Piccolo suddenly said with a jolt of fear as the smoke cleared and Raditz stood un harmed.

“What kind of monster are you?” Piccolo asked and again no answer Raditz merely fired a Ki Blast destroying Piccolo where he stood. The Blast was so intense almost overkill. Of course with Piccolo gone that means Kami’s gone and the Dragon Balls are gone as well.

Raditz took to the sky once again searching for another power level. He soon detects another power level quite a bit further a way with a power level 330. Raditz headed off in that direction at full speed.




 Coming soon WHAT IF Gine The Mother Of Goku Survived 4










Chapter 9

Unexpected help


It was a fun happy day on Turtle Island home of Master Roshi for the old dragon team were all there enjoying a reunion. Goku was excited to introduce everyone to his 4 year old son Gohan. Goku wish he could socialize more however Chi-Chi wouldn’t allow it. Needless to say Goku was enjoying every moment for this was the first time since the wedding of Goku and Chi-Chi Goku had seen his friends.

Goku often thought about training with his friends just like old times, however Chi-Chi made clear his responsibilities as a father and husband.

There celebrations were brought to a halt when Goku felt an approaching power the likes of which he hadn’t felt before.

Surely it can’t be Piccolo this was too powerful even for him. No it wasn’t Piccolo this energy he was feeling was nothing short of pure rage and it was heading straight for them. This power froze Goku in his boots it took him almost a second for him to find his words.

“Bulma do you have something we can use to evacuate the Island?” Goku asked.

“Yes I do” Bulma responded throwing a Dino cap towards the Ocean revealing a Submarine.

“Bulma get everyone out of here and watch my son.”

Before Bulma could argue Goku took to the air to meet this threat. Moments later Raditz was face to face with his brother at last.

“What brings you to this Island? If you’re here to start trouble you have been asked to leave.”

Raditz stood there in the air his only response was clenching his fists and he began powering up. The mere force of his energy begins to overwhelm Goku. However Goku kept his gaze finally Raditz spoke one word that was more like a battle cry.

“KAKAROT!!” Suddenly Raditz power rose again and a change had come over Raditz. His hair sticking up, turning a bright yellow color, and becoming cloaked in a yellow Aura.

“Wow no way this is insane” Goku said as he readied a fighting stance preparing for this Behemoth to attack. Not that there was much he could do against this kind of power, as Raditz began a powerful blow that could end his brother right then and there suddenly. Raditz came under attack as his armour was scratched by a pair of green arms and claws.

Raditz had been surrounded by six familiar creatures that made very distinctive noises.

“Wragghh Eyaghh Errrt Urrrghh!!!!” They were the Saibamen and behind Raditz stood Nappa and Vegeta.

“That’s enough Raditz stand down immediately or I’ll be forced to destroy you” Vegeta said with a smirk. However deep down vegeta was hiding his fear for he recognised this form as the legendary Super Saiyan. Theres no way they have a chance and he knows it.

Raditz was not backing down as he began engaging with the Saibamen in combat. With in one strike he smashed a Saibamen to pieces.

Vegeta and Nappa had to join the engagement speeding towards raditz at full force. Goku looking on confused.

“Listen to me Kakarot if you want to get out of this alive you got to help us.”

“Kakawhat?” Are you talking to me?”

“Of course I’m talking to you don’t know on your own name.” Vegeta asked getting more impatient by the second.

Goku had begun to engage. It was an endless barrage of attacks. With Goku and his new allies just trying not to get hit. For they knew one hit meant death.

Suddenly a big blue energy blast had hit Raditz out of nowhere. Goku looked around to see Krillin flying just behind. Nappa and raditz were equally surprised seeing this little Bald mans power level rise at a single point like.

“Maybe we have a chance” Vegeta said staring right at Krillin. “Hey Short guy I hope you have more tricks than that to get us out of this. And Indeed, Krillin did have another hand to play flying in the path of the sun bringing his hands to his face and with a loud cry.


The blinding Solarflare technique was what they needed to escape. Vegeta quickly fired a Ki blast directly at Raditz face damaging the inbuilt scouters so Raditz couldn’t track them.

And with a mad dash for Bulma’s submarine they escaped undetected.

It had been very crammed inside the submarine especially with Nappa inside.

“And I thought the Space Pods were bad.”

“Suck it up Nappa until we’re out of danger this is the best we can do” Vegeta said.

The Submarine dived and disappeared into the darkness of the Ocean.

While Raditz finally regained his sight he could no longer see them. His inbuilt scouter damaged. Raditz could only fly around aimlessly.



Watch WHAT IF Cell Junior Turned Good video series here















Chapter 10

The Enemy Is Your



It had been a surprisingly quiet Submarine ride considering the 2 new mysterious passengers. For nearly half and hour no one spoke a word, Sure they were all full of questions Vegeta and Nappa included however no one spoke. Until Bulma set the Submarine on auto pilot.

“Well, that should do it we should be at West city in a couple of hours.” She said as she turned around looking at everybody. She looked to the two new arrivals Nappa and Vegeta and she noticed something familiar about the two of them their tails.

“Goku look they have tails just like you use to have remember?”

Goku looked bewildered as he examines the two of them also noticing the Tails.

“Hey Bulma! you’re right they do have tails.

“Of course, we have tails Kakarot we’re Saiyans just like you?”

“Saiyans what’s that?” Goku asked.

Vegeta and Nappa were now the ones looking bewildered by this did Kakarot no nothing of his heritage or where he had come from.

“Come on Kakarot quit kidding around you know you belong to the mighty warrior Race the Saiyans”uh right”? Nappa asked seeming more confused.

“Kakarot did you ever suffer a blow to the head when you were really young.” Vegeta asked.

“Um yeah a long time ago when I was still an infant why?”

“Oh my god you’ve forgotten everything haven’t you Kakarot I was hoping not to give you a history lesson.”

For the next two hours on their way to West City Vegeta and Nappa spent the entire trip filling in the dragon team. Everything from the history of the Saiyans to Planet Vegeta’s eventual destruction. They filled everyone in on their attacker including the fact that he is Raditz the elder son of Gine and Bardock and the older brother of Goku.

He filled him in all about Frieza and what Frieza had done to Raditz. Surprisingly, everyone took it all well.

After hearing everything Bulma was the only one to address the Elephant in the room.

“So are you here to take our world?” she asked with deep concern.

Vegeta merely smirked at her.

“Relax woman! We have no interest in your planet if I really wanted it I’d have killed you all already.”

“Hey that’s not very nice apologize” Goku demanded.

Vegeta looking bewildered again. Did this low class Saiyan just demand I apologize? Me A Saiyan apologize what kind of a Saiyan demands an apology I thought Raditz was a disgrace to the Saiyans.

Nappa stood there just be wildered as vegeta, Was this guy trying to get himself killed no one has had the nerve to talk to Vegeta like that except for his parents.

At long last they had arrived at West City Bulma had raised the Submarine to the surface and everyone departed.

With a bit of a walk They made it over to Bulma’s home at Capsule Corp. There was plenty of room for everyone to stay including Nappa and Vegeta.


While everyone was settling in Vegeta, Nappa and Kakarot sat around a table with Bulma trying to come up with a plan. Vegeta kept staring at Goku even though he had no memories of being a Saiyan Vegeta could tell Goku was more of a Saiyan than his brother. Even though Goku was weaker than his brother with a power level of 330 he stood up to a Super Saiyan. Not only that he stood up to him the Prince of all Saiyans.

Vegeta wouldn’t admit it but he was already started to respect Goku.

They sat in silence for quite a while not being able to come up with much.

“Vegeta I don’t know we’re going to get out of this one” Nappa said rubbing his head.

Vegeta had noticed Gohan running around playing.

“Hey Kakarot is your son over there?” he asked with a tone of curiosity.

“Yes he is why?” Goku asked.

“Don’t you know what this means Kakarot if your son is half Saiyan he could have untapped potential greater than ours” Vegeta said.

“Not that it matters it would take us years of training to catch up to Raditz and stop Frieza.”

“Yeah and without the Dragon Balls we can’t undo what has been done.”

“The what?” Vegeta asked getting to his feet.

“The Dragon Balls we have them here on Earth if you collect all 7 the eternal dragon will grant you any wish you want.” Goku said.

“Vegeta and Nappa were speechless at this information.”

“WHAT! Why can’t use these Dragon Balls explain” Vegeta demanded.

“You said you found Piccolo’s body what did you call him a Namekian? Well if Piccolo dies the Dragon Balls don’t work without him.”

At that moment Vegeta put 2 and 2 together that the legends of the wish orbs of planet Namek were true. There was namekian here that can’t be a coincidence a plan was beginning.

“We can go to Planet namek and use their Dragon Balls” Vegeta suddenly said. “Still we still have the problem of not being strong enough to take on the likes of Raditz and Frieza.”

“I’d forget about it Vegeta it’s not like our space Pods will fit us all.” Nappa said taking swig of an enormous Beer.

“Don’t worry about that boys” Bulma said. “If you hand over your Pods to me my dad and I can build it into a bigger room for all of us to go to Namek.”

“It’s too bad the gravity is too weak if it were stronger we could catch up to Raditz no problem.” Vegeta said staring intensely at his glass.

“Done I’ll add a gravity chamber to the ship and makes sure there’s room for you guys to train.” Bulma said sounding enthusiastic about the challenge.

“Wow you can really do that Bulma” Goku asked getting to his feet ready for some hard hitting training.

“Have I ever failed us” Bulma said with a smile.

“Woman!” Vegeta said abruptly. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Bulma and don’t you forget it Saiyan.”

“You know what you’re alright Bulma.” Vegeta said.

“So Bulma how long to build a ship.” Goku asked seeming eager.

“It will take a few weeks atleast two If I really hustle” Bulma said with wrench already in hand.

“Alright” Goku responded as Vegeta gets to his feet looking to Goku.

“Kakarot do you know a place where we can train preferably somewhere Raditz won’t spot us?” Vegeta asked.

Goku stood there arms folded and thinking hard until suddenly it came to him.

“The Hyperbolic Time chamber on kami’s look out we can get a whole years training in there for one day.” Goku said with excitement.

This new creates a spark of hope to Nappa and Vegeta.

“Then what are we waiting for Kakarot lets get going” Nappa said already on his way out.

“Hmm this just might work after all” Vegeta said looking at Gohan then he looked to Kakarot.

“Bring your son Kakarot it’s time he knew what he was made of.” Vegeta said taking to the air Goku took hold of his son Gohan and they followed suit with Krillin tagging along.








Sunday 7 March 2021

WHAT IF Vegeta Was Female Parts 1 to 8

 WHAT IF Vegeta Was Female Parts 1 to 8

WHAT If Vegeta was female explores what might happen if the Prince of all Saiyans was female starting from When she and Nappa arrive on Earth looking for Kakarot. To their legendary battle on Earth through the Frieza and Namek saga now entering the Android saga how will thongs differ with the Princess Of All Saiyans Vegeta.

plus check out the full What If Vegeta was female ongoing series here


also coming soon

What If Cell Junior Turned Good

Part 7

Saturday 6 March 2021

WHAT IF Frieza Saw Bardocks Potential A Dragon Ball Discussion

 WHAT IF Frieza Saw Bardocks Potential A Dragon Ball Discussion

Hey guys today I thought I would kick things off with a brand new Dragon Ball What If. WHAT If Frieza Saw Bardock's Potential. A story where Frieza decides to spare Bardock and his crew from the fate of their Race and exploiting the potential of Bardock and his crew to do more of his bidding please like and subscribe and lets get this discussion going.

A quick reminder I will be live tomorrow for those who may have any what if ideas thay'd like me to cover in future uploads or just mingle please stop by

Friday 5 March 2021

WHAT If Cheelai Came To Eart? A Dragon Ball DIscussion

WHAT If Cheelai Came To Earth? A Dragon Ball DIscussion 

Hey guys DB Ry here back with a Brand new WHAT IF. After the events of Majin Buu Earht has been at peace not so much as a tyrant with a power level of 1000. Until Intergalactical Serial thief Cheelai crashes to Earth fleeing from the Galactic Patrol. Oh what mess is have the Dragon team got themselves into now

See also for laughs

Dragon Ball: The Bugmans Picnic Henry Hall Song Parody DB RY

Wednesday 3 March 2021