Dragon Ball Pride

Saturday 27 February 2021

What If Frieza Conquered Kanassa Novel Chapters 1 2 and 3


What If Frieza Conquered Kanassa Novelisation


Chapter 1 Conquest Of Kanassa


It’s not always easy being the Boss, dealing with sick days, time off not to mention union talk, health and safety. No not easy at all being the Boss. Could you imagine ruling the entire galaxy? Well for Lord Frieza he must deal with the pressures of ruling a Galaxy every day. Assigning jobs, dealing with complaints, and dealing with those who have the nerve to complain swiftly and without prejudice.

Yes today was another day for Lord Frieza except he must make a final decision about his campaign to conquer Planet Kanassa.

“This is embarrassing an important job like Kanassa and not one of my own soldiers have volunteered. The only volunteers are Bardock and his band of monkeys.”

This job was important to Frieza for he had heard the legend of Kanassa. That one is meant to develop sidekick powers from living there on the planet.

“No I don’t think this job should be handled by a group of Monkeys, this job needs a delicate approach so I’ll do it myself and attain those Psychic Powers heh heh heh.

A moment later the door to Frieza’s chambers opens and two Frieza Force henchmen walk in. They were his trusted Lieutenants Zarbon and Dodoria.

“You wish to see us Lord Frieza?”

“Indeed, Zarbon you and Dodoria will accompany me to Planet Kanassa, I’ve decided to conquer it myself.”

“WHAT! Didn’t we assign that job to Bardock and his crew surely there’s no need to dirty your hands on those fish heads milord.”

“You have a point Zarbon normally I wouldn’t dirty my hands in this kind of matter however if you want someone killed right do it yourself.”

“Please milord surely I Dodoria can act in your stead please allow me to retrieve the Psychic power for you, I WILL NOT FAIL YOU.”

“WILL YOU BE QUIET DODORIA  must I remind you what happens when you question my orders.”

Dodoria displayed a look of fear and began to sweat as he placed his right gigantic pink hand to his left chest plate in a salute bowing his head.

“Of course, not Lord Frieza forgive me it won’t happen again.”

Frieza slowly raised his hander pointing at Dodoria with his index finger. Dodoria reacted hysterically and pleading for his worthless life.

“please spare my life Lord Frieza I won’t question you again.”

“You’re lucky Dodoria most of my subordinates can’t plead as fast as you.”

Dodoria gives a sigh of relief as he slowly stands.

“What is my bidding milord?”

“Well Dodoria since you’re not doing anything right now tell Bardock and the rest of those Apes to handle the job on Planet Meat and when they’re done to await further instructions.

“Yes, Lord Frieza as you command.”

Dodoria runs out the chamber quickly the sound of his footsteps begins to fade, Zarbon approaches his master.

“So milord you actually plan to go through with it?”

“Of course, Zarbon! The Saiyans have outlived their usefulness some too stupid to know it like that Bardock, he’s become too ambitious getting stronger It’s best to put them in their place once and for all.”

Frieza stares at the cold blackness of space and towards the home planet of the Saiyans Planet Vegeta. The Warrior race the Saiyans prepare to launch into space conquering more worlds in the name of Frieza. Above the launching grounds stood the Royal palace home to the Royal family including King Vegeta, Queen Casava, Prince Vegeta and Prince Tarble.

Below stood the Slums village of the Saiyans, home to most Saiyans there homes looked more like stone Huts however Saiyans always lived this way. To the far end of the village stood the Mess Hall where the Saiyans would fill their bellies after a tough conquest, The Mess Hall was also the home of Saiyan cook Gine, her husband Bardock a true Saiyan soldier and their two children Raditz the Oldest and Kakarot still asleep in his nursing Capsule. Bardock was considered a low-class warrior however proving himself on the front lines of every conquest has pushed his power that rumour has it rivals King Vegeta himself.


Gine was inside helping Raditz with his armour now that he has officially joined the Military.

“Come on mom I’m perfectly capable of dressing myself! I am a warrior now.”

Gine simply smiled and said.

“Of course, you are capable my tough little warrior.” Gine kisses Raditz on the top of his head making eye contact with her oldest boy as if it was the last time, she might see him. Since the beginning of time Saiyan children don’t get normal childhoods most are sent to into the fight straight after Orientation. It was considered an honour most Saiyan parents were proud. As for Gine she was never a normal Saiyan having left the military residing herself to a life as a cook and Occasional babysitter. Gine became a more caring Saiyan especially towards her own children, for Gine, Raditz leaving on his first mission was heartbreaking all she wanted was to be his mother for one last morning. 

“Gee mum this kiss mark is not going to come off yuk, this is embarrassing.”

At that moment Gine wrapped her arms around her oldest boy in tears.

“Listen Raditz you be careful out there, the battlefield is no game, you watch yourself promise me, promise me you’ll come back.”

Raditz was stunned by this behaviour at first, he didn’t know how to react, he had never seen his mother like this not once. All he could do was look confident and talk big.

“Not to worry I’ll be fine I’m Raditz the son of Bardock those planets don’t stand a chance against me ha ha ha ha”

“Yes of course silly me they have no idea whats coming for them.” Gine said still wiping the tears from her face.

Raditz then walked to the Nursing capsule where his brother Kakarot is still sleeping he stared at him for a good while then smiled.

“Kakarot still sleeping on the job, you better look after mum while I’m gone, then when I get back you can be part of my unit, I’ll show you the ropes and take care of you, that’s a promise.”

Gine simply sat admiring watching her children admiring Raditz confidence and thinking to herself.

“Kakarot can’t wait for you to meet us.”

At That moment Bardock entered the room carrying is Ruck sack.


“Bardock you’re home?”

Bardock smirks at his wife.

“Yeah, not for long I only have a short amount of time before my crews next job.”

Bardock notices Raditz in his armour.

“Hey Raditz are you pretending to be a soldier again.”

“Ugggh!! No father I graduated last week and I’m off to accompany Prince Vegeta on his next mission.”

“The Prince aye I heard about him, not sure I’d want to be stuck with him, I heard he killed his last subordinates.

“Bardock please” Gine said looking angry at her husband.

“What?” Bardock shrugged.

“Well mother, father I’m off Pods launch in half and hour.”

Raditz began to dash out of the house when Bardock called to him.

“Hey kid don’t be a burden if you can help it.”

“Heh I won’t let you down father.”

Raditz flew into the air speeding towards the Launch site.

“I’ll be heading out soon aswell Gine.”

“You’re off to Kanassa is that right?”

“Afraid not new orders my crew are to conquer Planet Meat, I hear Frieza wants to conquer Kanassa himself.”

Gine shocked by the news drops a plate that smashes on the floor.

“Planet Meat aren’t the inhabitants of that planet considered strong, Maybe you should reconsider Bardock!”

“I hear they are strong but it’s nothing my crew and I can’t handle try not to worry so much Gine.” “You know theres always room in my squad for you when kakarot joins the military, you’re stronger than you know.”

“That’s right Bardock you’ve never seen Kakarot before, you should look in on him before your next mission could be your only chance before they take him away from us to.”

“Whats with you today Gine we both knew this day with Raditz was coming.”

“Doesn’t make it any easier and Kakarot is destined to be a low-class soldier.” “You know what that life is like Bardock they will take him when he wakes up send him someplace horrible where he may or may not survive.”

“Kakarot will be fine Gine, after all he’s our son.”

Bardock then picks up his Ruck sack takes one last look at Gine and his son Kakarot.

“This job won’t take look I’ll be back in a few days we’ll discuss what to do about Kakarot when I return.”

Gine smiles and simply says.


Meanwhile in the deep reaches of space on the blue planet Of Kanassa, The Kanassan race are in the battle of their lives facing the likes of Zarbon, Dodoria, The Ginyu Force and Lord Frieza himself


“Not to worry Lord Frieza we the Ginyu Force will clear out this riff raff for you and attain your psychic powers men the dance of enthusiasm.”

 In the middle of their dance a Kanassan soldier is knocked before them.

“WHAT!! How dare you interrupt my dance enthusiasm.” Captain Ginyu grabs the injured Kanassan with his purple hand beating him senseless.

“Take this and that and some of this and some of that.”

Ginyu throws him to the air and incinerates the Kanassan soldier with a Ki blast. His own men look terrified of their captain.

“Well don’t just stand there men you have your orders.

“Yes captain!”

The Ginyu Force spread out taking it to the Kanassan soldiers.


Jeice and Burter of the Ginyu Force have this one unit of Kanassan’s trapped.

“Fight to the last!” Shouted the Squad leader of the Kanassan unit. “We all saw this coming let’s meet our end in a blaze of glorious combat lets meet our maker smiling.”

They fired at Jeice and Burter giving them everything they got. Jeice and Burter simply smurk and unleash their Purple Comet team attack spinning into a purple vortex with multiple kis shots being fired from within hitting every Kanassan. The youngest Kanassan telepathically sent his final thoughts to every remaining Kanassan.

“We fought to the last, but my moment as come at last as I have foreseen the purple Vortex has come for me.”

He was answered back by the high general of Kanassa.

“You did well son stay true we will all be with you until the end.”

Then with a huge explosion the young Kanassan Soldier met his end. The battle was horrifying The Kanassan’s were fighting a losing battle none willing to divulge the secrets to the Psychic power. Even the ones who were captured by Frieza’s men and brought to the Emperor himself.


“I really don’t understand your species even now on the brink of genocide and you still won’t tell me how to gain the Psychic power.” “I’ve lost count on how many of you I’ve slaughtered so far all because I want to know how to read minds and see the future.” “Are you really going to make me kill all of you for it, well no matter your dead anyway.”

Frieza then fires a death beam directly at the Kanassan’s heart the through and through shot killed the Kanassan.

“I think it’s time for a learning experience.” Frieza said as he fired a second death beam killing the Kanassan next in line.

“From now on any Kanassan refusing to talk will die along with the Kanassan behind him… Next.”


Meanwhile in the ruins of the Kanassan city Zarbon and Dodoria are on the run being pursued by an entire Battalion of Kanassans.


“Don’t let those scum get away.” The commander yelled firing Ki blasts at Frieza’s two trusted Lieutenants. Zarbon and Dedoria keep flying straight with a smirk on their faces as more Kanassan’s come at them from the front.

From behind and the front The Kanassan’s fired in hopes to overwhelm the evil duo with fire power when suddenly the last second Zarbon and Dodoria take to the air straight up The Kanassan’s hit and slaughteres by their own Ki Blasts.

“And I thought Saiyans were stupid aye Zarbon.”

“But of course, Dodoria! I mean we did originally assign this job to Bardock.

Zarbon and Dodoria stop as they are surrounded in midair by ten Kanassan’s.


“Well, more fish out of water, whats your power level?” Dodoria says as he scans the power levels of the surrounding Kanassan’s. “Oh not bad careful Zarbon you might dirty your hair, nearly 2000 each.”

“2000 each that’s hardly a threat I think they’re going to need more men. Dodoria and Zarbon Power up blowing away the Kanassan’s with the sheer force of their power. Before they could regain their ground, they were attacked and massacred by Zarbon and Dodoria as if they were the mere playthings of children.


The battle lasted the entire night until every last Kanassan were killed and their cities conquered in the name of Frieza.

“I guess the whole Psychic power was just a mere rumour ah well, this planet will pay for wasting my time.” “Reading my minds what superstitious nonsense.

BURST!! A loud noise is heard it’s the high general of the Kanassan army bursting from the rubble.

“I wish you could have read the minds of my troops as you slaughtered them all.”

Suddenly the High General attacked Frieza glowing in blue Aura strikes Frieza in the back of the neck.

“Ahhh!” “You’ll pay for that.”

Frieza vaporized the High General with a powerful Eye Beam attack.

Frieza is rubbing the back of his neck as Zarbon and Dodoria come before him.

“Are you alright milord?”

“I’m fine Zarbon just an annoying mosquito, I’m ready to go this whole trip was a waste of time.”

With that order Frieza’s men were evacuated from the planet along with the Ginyu force. As soon as they were in orbit above the planet Frieza gave the order to open the hatch door.

Frieza flew into space and with a mere point and blast from his finger Planet Kanassa was no more. Lord Frieza returns to his ship after admiring his handywork he looks to Dodoria.

“Dodoria Bardock must have finished the job on Planet Meat by now you’re to go there and eliminate him and his entire crew leave none alive.”

“I will Lord Frieza you can count on me.”

Dodoria takes his leave.

“So the time has come milord?”

As he said that Zarbon noticed his Master shaking.

“Lord Frieza?”

Suddenly Frieza falls to the floor of his ship unconscious.

“Lord Frieza.. LORD FRIEZA he’s unconscious you there get his lordship to a healing chamber at once and monitor him.”

“Yes Sir!” The Frieza force soldier responded.

“If anything happens to him it will be you’re head is that clear.”

Frieza is taken to the medical unit and placed in the healing chamber recovering.

“What did that Kanassan do to you Lord Frieza” Zarbon wondered as he carried on his lord ships will in his absence. 










Chapter 2

Visions of The Super



It was day time on planet Meat and you could smell the death and destruction in the air, for as Frieza predicted Bardock and his crew had made short work of the inhabitants of the planet.

Like every battle Bardock and his crew had been enjoying the spoils of war by a campfire.

“They weren’t mistaking when they named this planet meat, theres plenty of meat on them haha.”

“That’s disgusting Shugesh.” Fasha said as she bites into her meal.

“I say theres nothing like a victory meal after a big battle, it would just be incomplete without it.”

“Haha that’s our Borgo’s always thinking with his stomach aye Bardock.”

Bardock however didn’t feel much like celebrating he was just staring off into space as if he had something on his mind.

“Hey, Bardock you awake? Hey, Tora what’s up with him?”

“I don’t know Fasha Hey Bardock you okay?” Tora asked as he tried snapping Bardock out of it when suddenly everyone came startled by 3 words Bardock spoke.

“Why this place?”

Everyone became silent at the roaring of the wind blowing the fire out.

“Why did Frieza have us conquer this place it makes no sense, there are no advances in science and the life here are just average it makes no sense at all.

“Hey come on Bardock we’re Saiyans since when do we care if it makes sense it’s all more fun for me.”

“Shugesh is right Bardock it’s not our place to question Frieza’s orders our job is to conquer then move on.”

“Yeah you’re right Tora except we’re not moving on, we’ve been asked to wait further instructions surely we could have returned home.” Bardock said just as his scouter beeps like crazy to see an incoming Ki blast aimed for them. Destroying their campsite.

“What is it more it more inhabitants?” Tora asks while scanning around.

“Afraid not old friend It’s Dodoria’s men.” Bardock says clenching his fist. “What’s the meaning of this? explain yourselves.” Bardock demanded


“It’s nothing personal Bardock really! We’re just following orders.”

“Who’s orders?”

“Mine Bardock!” said a familiar voice. Bardock looks around to see Dodoria standing with his men.

“Why do this Dodoria? Why attack us?”

“It’s not personal Bardock I assure you it’s just Frieza wants you dead.”

“That doesn’t make sense we did everything he asked of us even more, no one works like me and my crew.”

“I don’t mean to flatter you Bardock or your crew but Frieza feels like you’re getting too strong that you have forgotten your place. I’m here to put you in it.”

“Come and try it Dodoria!”

A battle broke out between Bardock’s crew and Dodoria’s men. It was a brutal display of fighting with Dodoria’s men on the losing side, Bardock’s leadership and teamwork prove to be a little too much for Dodoria’s men to handle. As for Dodoria he just watching not phased by the Saiyans strength in the slightest.

“The more men these monkeys cut down the less money I got to pay heh.”

When the Saiyans they have won Dodoria unleashes his devastating Energy Cannon Ki Blast from his mouth catching the group of Saiyans off guard. When the smoke clears it would seem the Saiyans disappeared into the rubble.

“I don’t know what Frieza was so worried about these Saiyans are weak” Dodoria boasted as he made his leave to report to Frieza.

Meanwhile Bardock has managed to pull himself rubble injured but alive, however the rest of his team were not so fortunate Dodoria hit them with enough force to finish, Borgos, Shugesh, Fasha and Tora, Dodoria had underestimated Bardocks power.

Bardock looking at the horror Dodoria has done under the orders of Lord Frieza.

“Tora, Fasha, Shugesh, Borgos I promise they’ll pay for this if it’s the last thing I do.” Bardock swore to the heavens as he gets to his Pod and begins to make a trip home he would recover in the healing chamber then make Dodoria pay.


Meanwhile aboard Frieza’s ship, Lord Frieza remained in the healing chamber dealing with the injuries caused by the Kanassan High General.

“Well is he ready yet.” Zarbon asked with a worrying tone.

“Yes physically he’s fine Zarbon, however something seems to be up with brain patterns they seem out of sync.”

“I don’t care about that wake him up and I mean now.”

“Yes Zarbon immediately.” What Zarbon and the physician didn’t know these brainwave abnormalities were caused by Frieza having visions of the future.

He see’s a vision of Bardock charging the ship

“FRIEZA!!!!!! “FRIEZA!!!!!! The destruction of Planet Vegeta and a vision of a warrior with gold spiky hair challenging him and his eventual defeat.


“Monkey!!!” the healing chamber fluid is drained and Frieza has awakened from his vision, No idea how to process what he just saw were they visions. Or merely a nightmare.

“Milord are you alright Frieza are you alright Zarbon asks.” However is out of it seeing more images and the voice of the High General haunting.

“You wanted Psychic power remember now you’ve got it.”

“Why give it to me? How do I control it.” Frieza demanded.

“You can’t control it, I didn’t give it to you as a gift Frieza I gave it to you as a punishment so you can witness the horror of your end just like we had to when you destroyed us.” Hahaha


“Nooo I refuse to accept it damn fish head.”

“You don’t have a choice one day he will come and oppose you then you will meet you end nothing will be able to stop it hahahah.”

“Lord Frieza are you alright.” Asked a nearby Frieza force soldier, he proceeded to touch Frieza when Frieza snapped out of it and angrily destroyed him with a death beam.

“Zarbon are we still on route to planet Vegeta like I ordered?”

“Ofcourse milord and I Issued your orders for all Saiyans to return home.”

“Well done Zarbon has Dodoria returned yet?”

“Yes, his ship has just docked?”

“Good I need to see him immediately.”

At that moment another low ranking Frieza Force soldier walks in to give Frieza some news he is not going to like.

“Lord Frieza our scopes have picked up another ship it’s a Saiyan space pod.”

“It’s him It’s Bardock, errgh Dodoria has failed me, no matter he’s no doubt on his way to Planet Vegeta, why bother with a single Bee when I can go straight for the hive.” Lord Freeza says laughing to himself as his ship closes in on Planet Vegeta.



Chapter 3 Bardocks last stand, Gine Save Kakarot


It had only been a couple of days on Planet Vegeta and Gine is left wondering about her husband Bardock and her oldest son Raditz off world. Hoping they are safe, of course this kind of behaviour from a Saiyan was so unique and unbecoming others would say she is weak. Then they remember she’s Bardock’s woman. After cooking in the mess hall today she looks to her son Kakarot in his nursing Capsule, staring at him wishing she could hold her son. The thought would bring her to tears for she couldn’t shake this dreadful feeling she’d never get the chance to hold her baby boy. Sooner or later the higher ups would come for him and send him to a Repugnant desolate planet to earn his right to live as a Saiyan. Raditz was lucky getting into the military by the skin of his teeth but Kakarot with a power level of only 2 had no chance and Gine knows it. The next moment Bardock came bursting into their home. His armour damaged and bleeding a little.

“Bardock what happened” Gine said with a look of shock and concerned for her husband.

Bardock looked Gine in the eyes his face turned from weary to a scary look of seriousness.

“We have to get kakarot out of here?” he said as he gazed at his son.

“Why would we do that Bardock? What’s going on?” Gine asked.

Bardock tried his best to stay calm and explain the situation.

“It’s Frieza he’s coming for us he’s going to blow up the planet along with every Saiyan, my own team is dead because of that lunatic.”

“But why would he do that Bardock we always fought for him?”

“It’s because we’re growing stronger, Dodoria told me this himself Frieza is afraid that a Super Saiyan will oppose him Gine please listen?”

“I believe you Bardock, We have to warn everyone?”

“I already tried that I was laughed out of the Tavern, those fools thought everything I said was a big joke. “Those idiots are all dead.”

“What do we do tell me Bardock I’ll do anything!”

Bardock looked to his wife with admiration for believing him as well as brave she’s being right now.

“Gine I want you to get Kakarot to my Space Pod it’s not too far I’ve reset the Coordinates to go to a planet Earth Kakarot should be fine there, I will fight Frieza and buy you as much time as I can.” Bardock said with a smirk.

Gine looked to her husband looked him in the eyes, part of her can’t help wondering why this change of character. It’s unlike a Saiyan father to care that much for his children.

“Bardock why are you so determined to save our son?”

Bardock met her gaze his face again turning to a serious determined look.

“I’ve spent all my life fighting destroying killing in the name of Frieza now I am done with it. The least I can do is give our youngest a life away from Frieza.

At that moment Gine realised Bardock wants the same thing for Kakarot that she wanted.

Bardock heroically flew off into the heavens ready to face Frieza.

Gine quickly rushed back inside and released Kakarot from his nursing Capsule. In that moment for the first time she held her little boy for what would be the last time.

Kakarot crying in her arms, Gine also crying for she knew she will never see Kakarot again. She flies off with her baby in her arms racing for Bardock’s Space Pod. Meanwhile Bardock is on a intercept course with Frieza’s ship and battling with Frieza’s henchmen like a Saiyan possessed.

“FRIEZA COME OUT AND FACE ME.” Bardock says as he flies through countless Frieza force soldiers like they were nothing.

“FRIEZA!!!” Meanwhile inside Frieza seems slightly terrified at this moment recognising this moment from his visions. The vision of Bardock opposing Frieza. He has another vision he’s on a green world battling with a Saiyan in a blue shirt torn Orange fight uniform.

“It’s you Bardock.”

“Kaio Ken Attack AHHH.” The Saiyan screamed.

Frieza snaps out if it and begins to laugh.

“You may beat me in the future Bardock, But what if I end your future, Zarbon ready my transport.”

“Right away milord!” Zarbon said moving as fast as he can.

Meanwhile Gine had made it to Bardock’s Pod and placed Kakarot inside and shut him in. Kakarot screaming to be let out. His heart torn mother looking down on him with tears.

“Kakarot this is where we say our goodbyes listen you must be brave now, If your father was here he’d say be strong and survive. I wish we could have had more time this isn’t fair.”

All Kakarot could do look at his mother and try to listen and at that moment the Pod flew to the air Gine only had time to scream a few last words to her son

“Kakarot don’t forget about us.”

In space members of the Frieza force had Bardock pinned down though not for long by a flick of his power they were sent down towards the planet. With a look from the corner of his eyes he noticed kakarots space Pod go off in distance of space.

“Well done Gine you see you were stronger than you knew?” Bardock thought to himself as he continued battling with Frieza’s men.

“FRIEZA!!! COME OUT YOU COWARD” he screamed as the ship door opens and Frieza came out on his personal transport.

“Long live lord Frieza” his men yelled.


“Ha ha no way you lived long enough Frieza, You hear me we quit the Saiyans no longer serve you now consider this our resignation.” Bardock said as he puts all his power in one final attack aimed straight for Frieza.

“This is for everyone I killed in your name now have it.” Bardock said as he threw his attack at Frieza it racing towards him at a quick velocity. Though Frieza sat there and laughed it off charging an energy attack with his finger the size of a planet killer asteroid. The attack kept growing swallowing up Bardocks attack like nothing. Then with a flick of his finger the Asteroid like attack came racing towards Bardock killing everyone in it’s path including Frieza own men. Bardock was caught up in the explosion however he died with a smile on his face knowing Kakarot is alive.

As for Gine she had returned to the mess hall watching the attack close in with the other Saiyans who looked on in fear of the fate that was about to befall them.

However Gine was at peace looking on with a smile on her face knowing both her boys are safe. That Kakarot could grow and live a great life. And Raditz was still out there somewhere on a mission was Prince Vegeta and his men. She brings her arms as if she were hugging herself bathing in the light of the blast as it over comes her along with the planet. Planet Vegeta maybe no more but her two Saiyan boys will live on.

In the distance of space on some world Prince Vegeta, and his men along with Raditz had just wrapped up their mission and survived after refusing Frieza’s call back order.   


more to come with this novel until then Please watch the latest video What If Vegeta Was Female 7 A Dragon Ball Discussion






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