Dragon Ball Pride

Sunday 28 February 2021

What If Frieza Conquered Kanassa Novel Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7


Novelisation continued

Chapter 4 Frieza and King Cold


A few weeks had past, since the destruction of Planet Vegeta and Frieza still struggles to get use to these visions. Even though Planet Vegeta and Bardock were destroyed Frieza still sees a vision of a Super Saiyan defeating him in battle on the mysterious green planet. He thought it was ridiculous, if planet Vegeta was destroyed why is he still seeing visions of the same Saiyan opposing him. After all, to his knowledge only Nappa, Prince Vegeta and Raditz were the only survivors and they serve him willingly.

These visions were beginning to effect Frieza’s life in all kinds of negative ways especially in terms of lack of sleep.

Rumours of his health and well being have began circulating to the entire Frieza force ever since he was struck by the Kanassan High General. The men were beginning to think that Frieza is weak, that he is incapable of leadership that he’s vulnerable and now was the time for a mutiny.

“Come on men Frieza is not invincible if we all rise up against him, we can take him and his ships.”

With those words there was a riot Mutineers battling with Frieza loyalists. The Mutineers were winning with a surprise attack forcing some of the Loyalists to flee to other ships that remained loyal to Frieza. While other loyalists were held hostage.

Victory was the mutineers having taken over half of Frieza’s fleet. When suddenly Frieza himself was flying through space on his personal transport.

Zarbon and Dodoria looking on wondering just what Lord Frieza is up to.

“No he wouldn’t that’s half the fleet some of our men are still aboard fighting” Zarbon said watching on in horror as their master fires a similar attack to the one that destroyed Planet Vegeta wiping out half his fleet, all mutineers and thousands of his own loyal men.

As Frieza entered his ship Zarbon looked at his master with an expression of terror.

“Frieza why would you do that that was hardly.” Before Zarbon could finish his sentence Frieza blew both Zarbon and Dodoria away. Two of his most trusted Lieutenants.

“Does anyone else dare question me? speak now and forever rest in peace.” His men were too terrified to react.

“Good that’s what I thought let that be a lesson to all of you questioning me or my capabilities is an extremely dangerous thing get the picture? Great! I believe we’re done here.”

Frieza then left to go into his chambers. He began to rest his eyes when he has more visions of the Super Saiyan. Frieza snaps to his feet angry.

“WHY WHY DO YOU HAUNT ME SO.” Frieza screamed as his power began leaking out blowing his door open and nearly hitting this short blue creature who was on his way to see Frieza.

“Yes, a who are you?” Frieza asked regaining his composure.

“I am Sorbet milord you wished to see me.”

“Ah yes you see with Zarbon and Dodoria gone I’m in need a new right-hand man you seem to fit the bill. I admit you’re a lot weaker than I would have liked, but I hear you follow orders to the letter is that correct or am I mistaking?”

“No mistake Lord Frieza I run a very tight shift your will is my command and the command of every soldier on this ship.”

“Good that’s just what I wanted to hear, well Sorbet I have your first job should you hear any words of mis loyalty you’re to bring them before me so they can face my justice sound easy enough.”

“Yes milord I will have these soldiers whipped into shape in no time I will make our army stronger count on it.”

With that Sorbet took his leave and took his new job very seriously. After all it’s not every day you get to work with Frieza directly. This had been Sorbet ambition since joining the Frieza force. Climbing the ranks through his intellect rather his strength had won him the job he always wanted. As for Frieza he seemed to be in good spirits again yet something about what Sorbet said stuck with him. About making his army stronger, perhaps Frieza himself could become stronger. Was this possible, he didn’t know, there had been no need to train he was born like this. Perhaps if he trains and gets stronger, he could throw this whole ridiculous Super Saiyan prophecy on its head and what better way to train than going out in the front line. Perhaps showing his strength will keep his soldiers in line not to mention boost morale it’s a win win.

From that day forth Lord Frieza did every conquest himself. Displaying his frightening powers before his enemies, he forced warlords to their knees. Made governments give up their planet. In time just as Frieza predicted he did grow stronger tapping into a power that as a far as he knew only his brother Cooler had achieved before him. Frieza believed he was ready for the Super Saiyan.

One day he was returning from yet another conquest he walked up to the bridge of his Ship to find his father King Cold standing there.

“Father? what are you doing on my bridge?” Frieza said sounding bewildered and surprised.

“Oh, my dear son I’m sorry to drop in like this! However, I have heard some troubling rumours about you lately my boy.”

“Rumours? What kind of rumours are you talking about father?”

“I heard you were injured on Kanassa and that you destroyed half the fleet, that you even killed Zarbon and Dodoria two loyal soldiers who have served me since before you were born.” King cold said as he looked about the ship.

“As I can see the rumours are true, I even hear you’re doing filthy grunt work, conquering worlds yourself, you’re hardly the perfect son I created. Things need to change my son.” “ As your concerned loving father I am as of now coming out of retirement and taking back my Empire from you Frieza until you learn what it means to rule.

“Or until you replace me with another offspring you mean right father, you forget I was there when you said the same thing to Cooler.”

“You dare speak to me like that boy I’ll have to teach you some manners.” 

Suddenly King Cold charges at Frieza getting ready to deal a deadly blow, Frieza stood their smirking and caught his father’s arm. King Cold couldn’t free himself everyone looking out in horror, King Cold who was massive compared to Frieza stopped in his tracks.

Frieza raises his finger pointing directly at his own fathers’ chest.

“Your methods are outdated father that filthy grunt work you called it is what I call the key to my true potential.”

King Cold couldn’t move all he could do was look at his son with a look of both resentment and terror.

“You’ve allowed yourself to go soft father I won’t be making that mistake.” Frieza said with a grin that meant one thing.

“WAIT FRIEZA!!! King Cold screamed as Frieza fired a death beam straight through the heart of his father King Cold is dead.

“Sorbet have the Janitor remove that from my sight immediately.” Frieza said motioning to his dead father.

Frieza then retired to his Quarters and decided to take a nap and for the first time since before Kanassa Frieza slept soundly with a smile on his face.









Chapter 5 Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz The Battle of Tradick


Around 24 years had past since the Destruction of Planet Vegeta, only four saiyans survived the veteran Nappa once the commander of the Saiyan military, Vegeta the Prince of all Saiyans,  Raditz the elder son of Bardock and Gine. The last survivor was the younger brother of Raditz Kakarot who was sent to Earth prior to the Planets destruction. A fact only known to the three saiyans.

They were currently on a distant planet named Tradick. They were sent to conquer it in the name of Frieza. To this day the Saiyan trio had never failed a mission for Frieza however were never rewarded equally compared to the rest of the Frieza force. They fulfilled every conquest easily, well up until now atleast for the warriors of Tradick were giving them a hard time having already killed half of Nappa’s Saibamen. The rest laid unconscious on the battlefield. Vegeta and Nappa for the most part were enjoying themselves picking off warriors one by one. While Raditz appearing more cautious than his two comrades used strategy and sneak attacks to gain the upperhand.

His fathers wit no doubt. The only problem Raditz would never risk a life threatening injury in order to tap into the Saiyan Zenkai boost that increases a Saiyan’s power on recovery. However his intelligence was more than enough for these jokers.

As Raditz found himself out numbered by warriors he chose a tactical retreat into the Canyon peaks. It would seem Raditz was trapped by the Canyon walls. However the Traddick warriors were mistaking they walked right into the trap of Radits as he fired a Ki blast at the Canyon peaks causing a devastating rock slide. Sending boulders crashing below into the enemy while Raditz remained safe directly beneath the peaks.

“Ha Idiots your small minds are no match for the power of a Saiyan.” Raditz said as he began flying back to regroup with Vegeta and Nappa.

He soon spots Nappa having a little trouble with a group of Tradicks all attacking him at once.

“Nappa can you hear me?” Raditz asked with concern.

“Can’t you see I’m a little busy Raditz? What do you want?”

“I’m to the left of your position see if you can get them to follow you there I have a plan.”

With that Raditz took cover in a big crack in the ground, the next moment Nappa flew straight by with the Tradicks closing in.

Raditz raised his hands in the air aiming directly for the Tradicks and with a loud cry.


“DOUBLE SUNDAE” Raditz unleashed his devastating Double Sundae energy blast catching the Tradicks pursuing Nappa completely off guard wiping them all out.

“Ha way to go Raditz” Nappa said acknowledging the clever tactic.

“Yeah, not bad for a weakling, You should try facing you’re enemy like a true Saiyan instead of like a coward Raditz.” Vegeta said mocking his subordinate.

The wave of Tradick warriors were defeated there 3 times the amount, of warriors ready to attack awaiting orders. It would seem at least for today the combat had stopped.

Nappa stood with Vegeta observing the enemy he had been in many battles back in his day and recognised an uphill battle when he saw one. The only other time he had seen a scenario like this was back during the conquest of Planet Tasbar.

“Vegeta I hate to sound like Raditz here but we can’t beat all of them we need the moon.” Nappa said hoping to talk the prince out of reckless move.

“What’s wrong Nappa it’s not like you to act cowardly, very well perhaps a snack break is in order.”

Vegeta and Nappa then returned to Raditz location who had already begun a fire and began roasting a dead Tradick. Such as Saiyan life eating dead warriors as a spoil of war or simply survival.

The three Saiyans sat by the campfire hardly saying a word. That was until Vegeta broke the silence.

“So Raditz did you even manage to square off against one of them. Or were you too busy avoiding the fight as always.”

Raditz tried to hide his anger on what Vegeta was saying to him begun clenching his fist telling himself to ignore him.

“You’re a disgrace to our entire race.” Vegeta continued. “How are you supposed to get stronger if you don’t throw yourself into the fray.”

Raditz didn’t react he just took it. Ironically for the first time in his life Raditz understood what life was like for his mother who was the weakest of her kind. The abuse she got from other Saiyan’s remembering times even Bardock out her down, and to his shame the times even he himself felt ashamed of her. Deep down he wishes he could tell her how sorry he was.

Raditz however cautious he is in his point of view he was putting the mission first. Ever since joining up with Vegeta and Nappa all those years ago they have a high survival rate thanks to Raditz. Raditz knew this deep down that without his tactics his way of looking at the battlefield they all would have died many times over. He remembers the stories Gine told him about his father how they become the top squad in Frieza’s elite it had nothing to do with power. Bardock and his crew worked together as a team and they grew stronger together because of it. Today Nappa would have been dust if it weren’t for his plan.

Oh yes Raditz wanted to say this to Vegeta face and for a moment he was going to when he spotted Nappa motioning his head as if he was saying don’t do it kid.

Raditz realising what Nappa was trying to tell him he backed down continuing to take it. When Vegeta finally stopped talking he decided to see what the Tradicks were doing.

“Hey Raditz Thanks for what you did for me out there today! That was a nice move you pulled” Nappa said.

“Don’t mention it if you had died that would have hurt the mission nothing more.” Raditz responded as he takes another bite form a Tradick leg.

“Vegeta can be harsh don’t take everything he says too seriously. However, he is right your cautious nature, resourcefulness useful as it is you won’t get stronger unless you fight. You know you’re father was a smart one too however despite him starting out weak he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.”

Raditz simply stared at Nappa meeting his gaze listening.

“Hey don’t sweat it” Nappa continued I’m sure you’ll be stronger than a Saibaman someday Ha ha ha.”

“Very funny Nappa.” Raditz said as he threw the rest of his Tradick Leg into Nappa’s big mouth.

Nappa finished off the Leg.

“mmm There a bit spicy.”

A few moments Vegeta had returned with news.

“The Tradicks have set up camp now we strike.” Vegeta said eager for a fight.

“Ha now who’s acting cowardly.” Raditz commented.

“What was that Raditz?” Vegeta said angrily thinking he might put Raditz in the ground and bash his skull in.

“Uh I said The Tradicks are cowards.” Raditz said waving his hands passively.

“Vegeta even if we surprise them with this attack we can’t beat all of them and he moon still days away.” Nappa said sounding a little bit nervous to him this was like Tasbar all over again. Saiyans at the mercy of the Full moon.

“Don’t worry about moon Nappa I have a solution to that problem, I have a little trick I picked up.” Vegeta claimed as he powers up a Energy Ball in his hand and throws it to the sky.

“Let their be light boys” Vegeta cried as the ball merged with the sky creating what looked to be a moon only it wasn’t. Yet it had the Blutz wave effects on Saiyan biology the real full moon had. Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz began to change into their giant Ozzaru Ape forms.

Together they ambushed the camping Tradicks killing thousands. In an instant with a combined Ki blast from their mouths. It caused devastation to the camp. As they began destroying the city and attacking the civilians. By daybreak, the civilisation was destroyed along with their cities. The Saiyans were careful not to damage any buildings of importances. After all, Frieza loves new technology if any this planet was a longshot. At the very least they can sell the planet to the highest bidder and still make a profit.

With that the three Saiyans take their leave making there way back to Frieza planet 79 they had earned some R&R.


Chapter 6 The Sons Of Bardock


It was a time for relaxation on Frieza Planet 79 the Taverns were full, The streets were busy everyone seemed in good spirits. Even Frieza looking above on his tower. He’d still receive visions of the Super Saiyan however he had learned put it out of his mind.

After all he is much stronger now. For the first time in a while everything seemed to be returning to normal. Frieza spent most of his time these days conquering planets and celebrating to the point he had almost completely forgotten about the Super Saiyan. Except for the occasional visions now and then.

“Super Saiyan what a big joke hahahah” Frieza said staring out the window in his chair with his glass of Wine stiring in his hand.

Suddenly at that moment he has another vision so surprising it makes him drop his Wine that smashes on the floor he utters one word.

“Kakarot!” Frieza then snapas out of it holding his head as if he just had a vicious headache. At that moment Sorbet walks in to find his master in that state.

“Lord Frieza are you alright?” he asks with concern.

Frieza meets Sorbet’s gaze with a look that anyone who worked could tell you meant someone was about to die.

“Sorbet find that miserable monkey Raditz and bring him before me immediately?”

“Yes, sir right away.” Sorbet said sounding relief that it’s not going to be him who dies tonight.


Meanwhile Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz were inside the Tavern having a drink after all their hard work in space.

A drunk Frieza Force Soldier walks by accidentally bumping into Nappa making him spill his drink all over himself.

“Hey why don’t you watch where your sitting huh!!!” The drunken soldier said. as he got a good look at who he ran into.

“Ahh Nappa I’m sorry please I didn’t mean to.” It was too late Nappa had fired a Ki Blast frying the unfortunate soldier. Vegeta taking a swig of his drink like nothing happened, Raditz sitting their with a smirk on his face.

“Excuse me Raditz!” a voice called out to him.” Raditz turned around to see Sorbet along with a couple of his men.

“Frieza would like a word with you Saiyan?”

Nappa, Vegeta and Raditz all began to rise from their chairs.

“No not you Vegeta… Just Raditz” Sorbet said with a unsettling grin.

Raditz went with them leaving Vegeta and Nappa behind who are standing there bewildered for this was a first. Frieza has never wanted to see Raditz alone before. Perhaps this was a promotion Raditz thought, maybe he’s getting his own squad maybe now he will finally be away from Vegeta. Wishful thinking I’m afraid Raditz couldn’t be more wrong as he’s brought before the Emperor himself.

“Ah yes Raditz do come in I fear we have much to discuss you and I?”

“We do?” Raditz asked unsure where this was going.

“It would seem you have been keeping secrets from me, yes you have been a naughty monkey haven’t you Raditz.” Frieza asked waving his finger as if he was talking to a child.

“Tell me Raditz wheres your brother Kakarot? It would seem he escaped planet Vegeta before it blew up didn’t he did your weak Saiyan of a mother get all sentimental?”

Raditz didn’t react only looked at Frieza in fear.

“I’m right aren’t I! I know I am tell me now and I might not kill you.”

The day Raditz had been fearing had finally come keeping the secrets of his parents. He looked to Frieza with brave determination and simply said.

“So it was you wasn’t it?”

“Pardon me monkey?”

“It was you wasn’t it Frieza? You destroyed Planet Vegeta it wasn’t a meteor at all” Raditz angrily said. By the look on Frieza’s face he knew he was right.”

“Like I’d tell a bastard like you anything” Raditz suddenly fell screaming as a death beam hit his shoulder. Frieza walked to Raditz standing over him pointing a death beam to Raditz head. At that moment Frieza had considered killing Raditz right then and there.

“No I won’t kill you Raditz this is the first day of the rest of your miserable life, you see you’re going to help me even if you tell me nothing.” Frieza said as he lowers his finger To Raditz chest and fires a death beam piercing Raditz.

“Oh Medic come quick Raditz has had a little accident please take him to a healing chamber immediately and when he’s all cleaned up healed and brand new again please bring him back here.


“Lord Frieza what are you doing?” Sorbet asked witnessing.

“It’s real simple my minion I’m going to break him and turn Raditz into my ultimate mindless Saiyan slave and in time he will hunt down his brother himself.” Frieza said taking a sip of his Wine.

This cycle of causing Raditz physical harm and the mental manipulation went on repeat for days that went into weaks.

“You know the only reason you’re going through this pain is because of your brother” Frieza said as the cycle of torture and manipulation Until Raditz became uncommonly strong thanks to the repeated use of the Zenkai Boost. And with no will of his own Raditz was mentally reduced to that of a primal animal. Wearing a mask of Frieza and a mere shell of himself. Raditz was even stripped of his name and given a name literally meaning the feces he walks on.

Hence forth his new name would be Kuso.











Chapter 7 Cooler


A few days had passed on Frieza planet 79 when suddenly Frieza had received a visitor arriving in a ship similar to Frieza’s. From the ship descended a small group leaded by a being who looks a lot like Frieza in his final form. Everyone left the streets with exception of Sorbet and his men.

“Lord Cooler it’s been a long time what brings you here?” he asked graciously.

“Take me to my brother.” Cooler responded

“Of course, right this way” Sorbet said as he lead Cooler to the Tower where Frieza is staying.

Cooler enters Frieza’s room to find him there waiting there with this massive looking Saiyan next to him covered in scars looking like a feral beast.

“Oh Brother you’ve come all this way to visit me what brings you to this side of the Galazy?” Frieza asked.

“I’ve heard talk that you ended fathers life is that true?”

“I did indeed brother his methods were outdated and he dared to try take control of my Empire” Frieza said sounding proud of himself.

Cooler clenched his feet met his brother’s gaze.

“You had no right to do that to father!”

“Oh, I had every right dear brother and don’t you forget it.” “Besides, I only did what you wanted to do since he cast you out.” Lord Frieza said with his smirk turning into a look of pure intimidation.

“I knew it was a mistake handing over the Empire to you, You’re completely out of control.” “Father should never have created you.” At that moment Cooler’s men began to ready themselves.

“Oh, dear are we going to be fighting now brother?”

“Yes, we are” Cooler responded.

“That does sound fun to dirty my hands with your blood however I have a new servant to do that for me.” “Oh Kuso please show my brother and his friends here some manners.

“Really Frieza you’re going to have a mere monkey fight me oh how you have fallen.” Cooler said as he powers up and strike Raditz only to find it had no effect on him.

“What no way!”

Raditz grabbed hold of Cooler’s arm and began twisting. Cooler went down on his knees in pain as Raditz delivered a powerful kick sending Cooler through the walls.

Coolers Squad tried attacking Raditz but were no match for the overpowered Saiyan who brutally killed them one by one.

“Oh Kuso if you can try not causing to much damage to my planet I would be much appreciated.” Frieza said as Kuso flies through the wall holes following Cooler.

By the time Raditz had found Cooler he had changed into his fifth form and fighting back against the Kuso Raditz.

Cooler for a time was winning getting on top of Raditz and excessively pounding the Saiyan with everything he had until he ran out of breath and stopped.

Raditz at that moment grabbed Cooler by then neck with one hand and performed like a pro wrestling choke slam driving Cooler far into the ground.


“HE’S A MONSTER COOLER YELLED” As Raditz fired a Double Sundae ending Cooler’s life. Raditz then returned to his masters side.

“Well done Kuso don’t worry about the mess the Janitor will fix that you go to your quarters now and rest.” Frieza said and watched his monstrous creation slip into his little holding cell. Frieza then left his chambers leaving the Kuso’s Cell unlocked. Frieza the time was now to allow Raditz to hunt down and kill his brother kakarot. To make sure found himself off world he ordered Kuso to leave a space pod out for him.

And as Frieza designed Kuso indeed left the comfort of his Cell and was wandering around Frieza planet. Everyone scared and intimidated looking at this monster of a Saiyan doing there best to stay away from him. Except for a certain two individuals who spotted him heading towards.

“Hey Raditz where have you been?” Nappa called out.

Vegeta was instantly horrified at he was seeing, somehow, he knew what Frieza has done. He could see all the scars, the damage to his skin. Holes from the constant death beams. Frieza had crossed the line. Not even Raditz deserved this Vegeta was thinking to himself.

“Hey come on buddy lets get a cold one.” Nappa said in a friendly gesture moving to pat him on the shoulder.

“Nappa get away from him” Vegeta warned. However, the warning wasn’t quick enough when Raditz struck Nappa in the face with his tail sending him into a wall.

“Hey whats the big idea Raditz.” Nappa yelled getting to his feet.

“Nappa stand down let him go” Vegeta said calming his teammate down.

“What do you mean uh..” Before Nappa could finish he noticed the scars and all the damage just as Vegeta.

“Raditz what has Frieza done to you?”

“I don’t know Nappa but he’ll pay for it arrhhh.”

Vegeta and Nappa decide to follow Raditz and see him getting to a space pod.

“Wheres he going? He has nowhere to go?” Nappa asked.

Vegeta stood bewildered and thinking to himself until he put two and two together.

“He’s going to Earth of course he is, he must be Frieza want’s Kakarot dead” Vegeta said abruptly.

Vegeta looks to Nappa with a look that terrified Nappa for this was a look Vegeta used on a bad day.

“We have to stop him Nappa I don’t know what this is about, but if Frieza is going to this much trouble to kill a low class Saiyan it can’t be good”


With that Nappa and Vegeta get to there Space pods and are off in hot pursuit of there former comrad.



















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